Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pay-As-You-Go Wireless Data Plans

Here is something to chat about around the water cooler. AT&T is now going to offer pay as you go data plans for those nifty 3G enabled laptops all the wireless dealers are pushing these days. As stated in the article, AT&T is trying to reach a larger customer base.

This seems to me like the logical thing to do from a Huge Company point of view.

My illustrious and vaunted point of view?

Tons of people have cell phones these days, and they don't come cheap, especially on a month to month basis. Owning a cellphone, however is considered a necessity while having a netbook with 3G wireless network is not. I mean, if I can get free wireless internet with my netbook at most McDonalds' or airports, it doesn't make sense to pay Sprint or AT&T exorbitant amounts of money just for internet. Am I expected to pull my computer out of my pocket and start video conferencing for school while trying to drive on the freeway?(I wish...)

But for those gullible enough to go with the pay as you go rubish, they are going to get less bandwith for near the same price. $60 for a regular two year plan, $50 for the month pay as you go plan. It's a no brainer to me.

You never know though. There is probably some guy out there fantasizing about being able to type up and send that report to Johnson while wrangling with traffic on the 405.


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