Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday's: The Bane Of My Existence

Everyone has their bane. For some, it's test taking, no matter what the subject is. Doesn't even have to be academic for some. For others it's crappy drivers. No, not those kind of drivers. Now I have you all confused...... Anyway, for me, as I stated above, it's Monday. I've been battling this choice and capable foe since I was in 1st grade and learned how to play hooky. Monday still doesn't relent in it's onslaught of making me go back to work, getting things done, being productive and what not. Judging by this picture you can see how fried I am. Oh, wait just a minute, I gotta put the flash card in....... Here we go. (None of that was for you, I just need a minute for the pic to upload)

So now it's 30 minutes later(don't ask) and the picture is finally up. It's important to note that I don't feel like I look. But this is what Monday's do to me. It sucks.

But enough of me ranting on about my Mondaphobia. Time to bid my guestimated 4 readers adieu.


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