Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Change is good

But not too much change.

As you can see(if you were one of the four that may or may not have seen this blog within the last few days), I have made a lot of changes concerning the look and feel of this blog. I really hope everyone likes it. I know I spent way too much time doing it, but I like it anyway. The idea fueling it all was a desire to stand out, be as unique as the internet permits, which is a tack that really is impossible. But I can get close.

Out of the vast ideas and design possibilities, I settled on something slightly boring. Sorry.......! Not really, but the idea was to make it engaging, but not to detract from the content itself. That is really what people, if they become a regular reader of mine, would be drawn to because I just don't have the design flare.

I appreciate you being here and reading my blog. Check back for a number article on subject such as the upcoming Utah senate race, BYU/Uof U rivalry game, the healthcare debate and more. Then again, go and read all this on CNN or Fox. But if your looking for an admittedly biased take on everything, look no further.


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