Monday, November 30, 2009

Private Rocket Reaches Space; Plus an Online Arrest?

Yes. You did read the title correctly. First off, said rocket was built by a private company in New Zealand by the name of Rocket Labs. The company's owner, Mark Rocket(that threw me off just a little, it's not why I thought it was called "Rocket") said that this accomplishment was “... a huge technological leap for New Zealand.” The rocket made it to about 62 miles above the earth, which is a sub-orbital flight, but considered space nonetheless.

Now this next story is kinda "interesting" if you ask me. A man was arrested in England for stealing usernames and passwords from people who play the RuneScape MMORPG. According to Slashdot, this guy was also known to have stolen a bunch of virtual money, called "kredits", which he somehow used to place a down payment on an actual house. How do you turn what amounts to monopoly money into a house? This guy must be a true maestro de fraud.......


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