Sunday, May 30, 2010

Don't Forget About The Upcoming Primary Elections!

It seems that at this point of an election year people, even junkies like myself loose interest in the races for office being run; especially at the local level. Here in Salt Lake County we have two very important races being run on the republican side: The senate race between Tim Bridgewater and Mike Lee and the Salt Lake County Counsel race between Richard Snelgrove and Winston Wilkinson. I believe that the candidates are very different on the issues for both races, despite the fact that all candidates are relatively very far right conservatives.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Shuttle Launch Time Lapse

This was something pretty cool. Even though you only see three minutes of video, you come to appreciate how much work is behind just the launch prep for the space shuttle. The most amazing thing about this video is that they did it on a DSLR camera! Click the picture to see it. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Memories From The Heat of Arizona- UPDATED LINKS

As some who are acquainted with me know I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and as such I chose to endeavor upon fulfilling two years of full-time service for the church preaching the tenets of my religion. I was sent to Tucson, Arizona. Part of my assigned area included the Gila Valley, and area north west of Tucson. The valley, settled by many of the same pioneers who followed Brigham Young to the Salt Lake Valley, were sent all the way to Southern Arizona to settle as part of an enormous plan to settle the west. These pioneers put down roots in the Gila Valley, and have been there since the 1850's. Much of the area is still thickly populated by active LDS members, but has since found much diversity both religously and racially.

Friday, May 21, 2010

2 Things You Should Know About Arizona's Immigration Law

After carefully reading through the Arizona law and reviewing many different sources across the web, I've found two things that you need to know about the new immigration law that passed a few weeks ago.

Much is New For Me These Days

For those few who may read my blog, you have noticed that it's been pert near a full week since my last post. That is due in full to gaining new employment. I got a job as a Certified Nurse Assistant with a company called CareGiver Support Network.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Space Shuttle Inches Closer To Extinction

It's been big news in recent months that the President wants to take the Space program in a new direction. Because of that, the Shuttle program has found itself on the chopping block. But I find myself digressing from my main subject, and that is that the Space Shuttle Atlantis is making it's very last scheduled flight into space tomorrow afternoon. I've gone through and found some links to follow about the history of the shuttle Atlantis and some spotting times when you can find the shuttle and the ISS(international space station) in the sky.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Most Americans Think That English Should Be Official Language- UPDATE BELOW!

After searching the web for some interesting news for you, I came across a great new Rasmussen Poll, stating that 89% of Americans now think that English should be the United States official language. They also report that 10 % believe that it would be bigotry to allow that to be that case, whereas the rest rejected that idea.

Monday, May 10, 2010

3 Pieces of News That Will Interest Any Utahn

1. Recent political activity, especially here in Utah, has been making national attention. Lot of questions have been flying around the internet about the recent convention failure of Bob Bennett to win his party's nomination. Questions like "Are the tea-partiers this strong?" and "The convention system in Utah disenfranchises regular voters. Why does Utah still use it?" I've already given my answer here. Here is an excerpt from one of the more popular articles on the subject published in

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Utah Political Memes

Today has been a big day for Utah politics, no matter which way you lean, if you lean at all. The State Delegates decided to oust Sen. Bob Bennett from office, and sent Tim Bridgewater and Mike Lee into a primary to take place on June 22nd. But of course, if you're reading this you most likely know the convention results. What I want to address are a couple of political memes that I've been seeing crop up in most discussions about politics here in Utah.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

More Fun

More playing around with Like my last post, it's been a great alternative to photoshop. Let me know what you think as you come accross some of this stuff. I may even make some of it into t-shirts.