Friday, May 21, 2010

Much is New For Me These Days

For those few who may read my blog, you have noticed that it's been pert near a full week since my last post. That is due in full to gaining new employment. I got a job as a Certified Nurse Assistant with a company called CareGiver Support Network.
After a week of employment, I have to say that this is a great job. But, that is all I have to say about that, as I don't plan to talk anymore about my job or work anywhere online because healthcare is a very private field because of its nature. I don't want to risk divulging anything private.

However, because of the new schedule and direction of my life I won't be posting as often as once or twice a day as was my usual custom. The new posting schedule will be at a rate of about 3 or 5 post a week, which is a only a slight decline, but it makes keeping RandomBrainwork.Net manageable. Hopefully that's enough to keep you an engaged reader. Thanks.


Phil Hudson said...

Congrats! I'll tell you, I've been working two full time jobs the last month and two jobs in general since November and keeping up on your writing is one of the hardest things to do. But finding a job at all as a CNA is hard, they must see how awesome you are if they're giving you the job!

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