Friday, May 21, 2010

2 Things You Should Know About Arizona's Immigration Law

After carefully reading through the Arizona law and reviewing many different sources across the web, I've found two things that you need to know about the new immigration law that passed a few weeks ago.

  1. Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona, who just a month or two ago was in a three-way tie with other Republican candidates for governer, holds a comfortable 19% lead to both of her challengers. Arizona is also somewhat of a red state, so there seems to be a likelier chance that whomever wins the Republican primary will also win the general election.
  2. The law itself calls for some sort of violation other than being here illegally to take place before the officer can pose questions about resident status. It's almost like needing to be pulled over for speeding before an officer can cite you for not wearing a seatbelt. This clause should alleviate fears over discrimination. You can find the text here and here.


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