Monday, December 21, 2009

Things I Want For Christmas

I realize that Christmas is a time for giving, and I love to give, but the "inner child" wants lots and lots of swag! I'm greedy, I know, but wouldn't a blog post about how giving instead of receiving be just kind of boring? And I couldn't show off awsome pics. That really spices up the look around here.

1) Marc Ecko Watch. I don't care what it looks like, how much it costs, or anything else aside from it being a watch made for a man. This company really knows what looks good.

2)Marc Ecko Hoodie. But not just any hoodie. A StarWars clone commander hoodie. This thing zips all the way over your head and make you resemble a "real" clone trooper.

3)Anything to do with geekdome; If you took a look at some of the stuff I can see here, I would totally be thankful for life.

Star Trek (Three-Disc +Digital Copy) [Blu-ray]
Terminator Salvation (Widescreen Edition)District 9 (Two-Disc Edition)4)Star Trek, District 9, Terminator Salvation. All three really brought the geek out in me.

Well, if I listed anything else, I'd be reaching. I already have all my XBox gear, the TV to back it up, and netflix. I guess I just gotta be thankful for what I have. And thank you for indulging my two year old "I want that" complex. I just happens this time of year.


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