Tuesday, December 29, 2009

People Seem To Have Been Hoodwinked......

After reading one of the latest Rasmussen Reports Scientific polls, I have come to accept, though not easily, that most people tend to believe the government tells them the truth. The poll that I am referring to was taken in the wake of a recent terror attempt aboard an airline flight bound for Detroit. The polls indicates that 46% of Americans now think that airport security is not strict enough. I repeat, not strict enough. I was totally blown away by this recent poll. It seems that people trust the government to increase the asinine "security" already in place. Here's an idea! Completely overhaul it, and bring in law enforcement professionals to train your TSA agents properly.

According to this law enforcement professional, the way in which "random" searches are carried out will never catch someone intent on hijacking or blowing up an airplane. Now we have Janet Nopalitano, the head of homeland security telling us that letting a bomber on an international flight was the system doing what it's supposed to do. I'm going to repeat what many all over the radio and web have said, and that is the TSA has never done anything to  prevent or stop the progress of a terrorist attack. It has been upon the passengers of flights and law enforcement in the air and on the ground who have shouldered the weight of the TSA's real job.

Another problem that the government is making is the decision to charge the bomber in federal court, and not in a military court. This article discusses the legal rational behind the Obama Administraions decision not only to charge this recent terrorist as an American, but all of the Guantanamo detainees. To make it plain and simple, al-Qaeda trained this guy and pretty much everyone else who commits acts of terror against the United States. Even though they don't where uniforms, they are still armed militants. They are the jurisdiction of military courts.


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