Sunday, October 11, 2009

Google Is Awsome

To be absolutely honest, I've been a Google customer for a long time, but have never been one to take advantage of a lot of their products outside of Gmail or the calender app. But for the past few weeks, I've been kicking myself for not learning how to program and create new apps for the internet like my younger brothers have learned to do, because if I had, I'd be working on Google wave right now, enjoying it's awsomeness. But, what I have gained from it is a new-found love for all that Google has to offer. If you haven't looked into Google beyond it's better-than-anything search function or Gmail, you must at least investigate what it has to offer. I have found tons to play around with and even more to make life easier.

Like I have mentioned, the calender function is far and away better than Microsoft Outlook because it is a whole lot easier to figure out, and it doesn't lack for features. I've dabbled with a lot of the apps for years, but like I said, the last few weeks have taught me what I can really do with Google Apps. I've really been impressed with Picasa, with it's facial recognission feature, to it's internet accessability. I enjoy the RSS reader, and have also been using it for years. I have used iGoogle as my homepage for a while as well. What I have really discovered is apps like Knol, Docs and Blogger. The genious here with google is linking it all together with one account. I don't have to sift through heaps of internet crap to get what I need. It's all here. I've found I almost always have a google tab open in my firefox window all the time.

So remember, take the time and get to know the Google Apps.


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