Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Are You Missing Something?

Who here has experienced a time in their life when you were reasonably busy and were doing something purposeful, but felt like you were missing something?

Yes, I see a lot of hands in the crowd. I think that we all feel that way to much. I've felt like that recently. Okay, next question. Who here loves video games and tv/movies a little too much? A little less hands. Question 3: who likes to read useless novels? Who uses facebook too much? Who just randomly surfs the net a lot? I think that everyone at some point has to have raised their hand. I did, but I'll not tell you all how many times out of the 5 questions asked...... ;)

Here is the point everyone reading probably already knows that I am trying to make. That we as a society tend to spend too much time doing useless things, even though we have a great job; even though the lawn may look perfect; even though the chores always get done. But what do we do to really enrich ourselves. None of the things I listed are inherently bad, but I really think that most of what people see as an emptiness in there lives is that we do nothing to increase our knowledge, nothing to expand our talents, or nothing to find new "productive" hobbies. I define productive in terms of the latter two descriptions: knowledge and talents. These things often include family and friends, real life contact, improvements to our home, service in the community, and so on.

I truly believe that we can find real purpose as a human being, someone who is beholden to our Maker for the things we do while here and alive, is by expanding knowledge and talents, thereby helping our fellow man. Our reason for doing such activities may seem to some as being selfish, but I assure you that the desire to serve only grows, and the joy and content with it. So do not let the 'unproductive' get in the way of the 'productive', that we may all live happy and purposeful lives.


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