Wednesday, October 14, 2009

College Sucks

I don't know why I feel compelled to write about this, but it could be that I am sitting here working on a humanities assignment, and the fact that I think it's a waist of a class, especially if taught on a socialist agenda. Even a right wing agenda. It all turns out to be an indoctrination class. That is my beef with a lot of schools out there. The curriculum is developed on so much of a bias that those who haven't set their own moral beliefs will believe only what they hear, and not learn all sides of the equation.

Now I'm not advocating getting rid of one bias or another. Just the perceived attitudes of a professor who will gloss over one point of view to give credence to the one they believe. I've only had one or two teachers out of the handful I've been in class with that would actually be the "devil's advocate" against their own beliefs in order to display "the other side". This is a very hard thing to do for a person, but essential for a student to understand why they take the stand that they do. This creates people who think for themselves.

There are those who will contend that students will become freethinkers even with a totally biased teacher. But that teacher who cannot "let go" enough to teach from multiple points of view will teach that their point of view is the only right one, and that leaves little room for diverse thought.

So that, my friends, is the problem I have with college in specific, and the emerging socialist system in general.


Dan Crowder said...

I'm just going to say that I think it's a shame that our children won't hear about the Founding Fathers in school. We can learn a lot about education by studying the our founders were educated themselves. They read the classics and were challenged to think for themselves by their teachers. We don't get that these days. My own experience shows that college teachers tend to push their own agenda in class. Many have seen that tendency spill over into our grade and secondary schools as well. Teachers unions keep our teachers employed and well compensated. However, some will take advantage. Look at that school district in New Jersey. Teaching kids to sing the praises of Pres. Obama. If it went the other way, that would be just as bad. My only point is that we don't teach the up and coming generation to think for themselves. We indoctrinate.

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