Friday, July 23, 2010

Charlie Rangel Generates Most Obvious Headline This Week

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As I was clicking through my Google News page looking for something to talk about, I found this gem of a headline at "Democrats worry Rangel's ethics trial will hurt party in midterm elections". Well I would so considering his supposed non-payment of taxes and so forth. Here's an excerpt from the article:

Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) hunkered down Friday as he prepared to stage a public battle over allegations that his financial dealings broke House ethics rules. His determination to fight the charges has left Democrats fearful that an ethics trial, planned for mid-September, could wind uptarnishing the whole party just weeks before the midterm elections.
I don't post this because Rangel is a democrat. No sir. This is a great example of what I suppose to be a wide-spread problem in Federal politics today. A sense of entitlement, aristocracy and greed. This is just one more example in a long line of them.


As the only comment suggests, I've gone back and found some historical context to put my own accusations about Rangel into. What fed my thoughts about saying that this instance is just another in a long line of corruption was the memory that there was a congressman who had hidden thousands in bribery money in a freezer. That was Rep. William Jefferson from Louisiana back in 2006.

There were others. Lots may remember Tom Delay who conspired to move hundreds of thousands in corporate donations to Republicans running for the Texas  State House of Representatives.

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rmwarnick said...

To put this story in context, why not name some famous congressional Republicans convicted of corruption?

I can furnish the names if you can't remember.

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