Saturday, July 24, 2010

Media Speculates About Another Bush In The Presidency

Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush
In an election year where the GOP is looking to take back all the marbles, media speculation has begun to heat up over the question of whether or not to send yet another Bush into the U.S. Presidency. Many media outlets and pundits alike have been taking about how Jeb Bush could be the go-to guy in the 2012 election for the Republicans. An ABC quote from news writer Byron Wolf:

Political dynasties don't just die off, especially when they control the presidency for 12 of 22 years and have in their depth chart the extremely popular former governor of a key swing state.
Some political observers say by all rights, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush should be running for president. He has strong conservative credentials, an impeccable political pedigree, can appeal to the all-important Hispanic population, and could do well in his home state, which is populous, up for grabs, and often decides general elections.
I really don't think that it's a totally great idea to vote another Bush into the presidency. But beggars can't be choosers either. With the GOP obviously searching for a formidable field of candidates for the 2012 election year, many news outlets and pundits seem to think that Jeb is one who could stand a chance. has said,
 In fact, Republican consultant Alex Castellanos believes that the Bush family brand "could be rehabilitated for Jeb just as it was for Hillary Clinton after her husband's presidency."
Even though I don't like the idea of the GOP putting Jeb up front, I find it hard to articulate my concerns without a little extra time than I have now to research. So I ask, what do you think? Would this be a welcome beacon for the Republican party in trying to take back the Presidency?


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