Monday, January 18, 2010

Utah Cities Among Those With Fastest Average Internet Connection Speeds

I don't know why people are complaining about this, but in the last few months reports of other, "less advanced", countries having faster internet on average than us super amazing Americans have crossed my desk.

Few, that was a mouthful.... moving on.

Well, in this recent article it was reported that the U.S. averages around 3.9 mbps. That really isn't anything to turn your nose up at. The only thing limiting speed is the stingy ISPs who want more money but don't deserve it because of crappy customer service. But what really caught my eye was that two Utah cities were among those with the fastest average internet connections in the U.S. That makes me proud. I even almost live in one of them. It also goes to show us all that we haven't totally been forsaken. The providers in other parts of the country just need to take a look at the top ten.


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