Saturday, January 23, 2010

Facebook Is Now Evil Like Darth Sidious

I've been saying it for a while, but not very loudly. Facebook has gone to the Dark Side of the web. Not in a Vader way where there is hope, but in a Darth Sidious way. They have gone over totally and completely to the point that they cannot return to favor in my mind.

Facebook claims that with the new "privacy" settings, Facebook will be safer and more fun. I cannot disagree with this more. It seems that they are trying to take the same tact that Myspace or some others did, allowing plain strangers to automatically see you private info. Even though you can make your privacy settings reflect how much you want to share with strangers, Facebook is just taking this issue to lightly, and, as with any large company, turn a profit with it.

If I remember correctly, the reason I chose Facebook in the first place is the fact that I could choose who could and could not see my private info. It has been great for keeping in touch with people who I otherwise would have lost contact with. But this paradigm seems to be shifting for Facebook. Not only are they bullying us into sharing private information with the world at large, they've moved into taking back the vanity URL's to sell to large companies in order to make some quick money.

I'd say that it's time to step away from Facebook and use something different. In the next week or so, expect me to be using something different for social networking.


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