Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Governer's Race In Utah Escalates

In a recent article on KSL.com, it's been reported that the challenger in the states gubernatorial race, Peter Corroon is catching up to Gov. Herbert in raising campaign money. The article reports that Coroon has raised $736,000 in donations.

Here's my gripe with all of this.  '"I think it is important to have a company name and occupation, as well, so citizens know where the money is coming from, so they can be comfortable that big money isn't taking over our political system," Corroon says.'

Now, go back and look at the first cited article and you can see considerably large donations given to Corroon from activist groups that take a stance totally outside of that most Utahns hold. We are a conservative, family values state, and I don't think that based on what we continue to find out about Peter Corroon, we know that he has been a great SLC county mayor, but to run the state I believe that someone not only needs to be fiscally responsible, but also support traditional social values and morals as well.


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