Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What is the meaning of life?

It's a simple question. But for some reason to a lot of us here it seems that the answer is most incomprehensible. But, as a missionary for the Lord Jesus Christ, and as one who has sought salvation at His hands, I will endeavor to show you what I have found for my self, and no other man(and many have tried) can dissuade me from the knowledge given me by God Himself through the power of the Holy Ghost.

This post is only preliminary to the next posts or even pages that I will add in the near future, so keep an eye out! But I also refer all who see this post or any others, to visit Mormon.org to find out more.


Masters Commission said...

Every morning, we have 27 teenagers who spend an hour seeking the face of God in worship and prayer, and then two hours studying the bible. We memorize 5 scriptures a week. The goal is to help each of them discern God's purpose for their specific life while here on this earth. I'm interested in what you come up with on the topic of finding one's purpose. For the most part, all of our students graduate with a pretty clear direction at the end of the nine months. Check out our website at some point. Take Care. Keep us posted on your search. --Ground Zero Masters Commission--

wonker said...

Interesting blog, I'll try and spread the word.

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