Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Education Reform....

President Obama has unvieled his educational reform plan. On the whole, I agree with some critics in the fact that all this money has to come from somewhere, and we don't really have much money as a country at all. But that being said, I do have to agree with two points of his plan.

"If a teacher is given a chance but still does not improve, there is no excuse for that person to continue teaching," he said. "I reject a system that rewards failure and protects a person from its consequences." If some one that I have entrusted a child's education with doesn't feel like doing their best, or improving their skill and ability, they don't deserve to teach. It would not cost a lot of money to improve education in this way. If some really are invested in the state being in charge of education, it must be done right.

Number two thing, is Obama's call to the states to lift the cap on the number charter schools allowed to exist. This would allow more choice for parents in their child's education.

Every thing else I adamantly disagree with, because any way I look at it, it would require the government to dish out billions more money than there really is. I don't agree with a parents' attitude that the state is totally in charge of their childrens education, and blame any shortcomings on the state, and don't do anything to improve the situation beside whining. If we dump untold billions into giving free college to everyone, allowing everyone access to nurses and head start personel, and setting unrealistic standards for every single child, we foster the false reality that education will improve dramatically. Really, if we put the responsibility for education completely in the parents hands, the level of education then will go up, cost to the state will go down, and in a round about way, will bring a diverse and robust economy in a few decades.


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