Saturday, July 24, 2010

Media Speculates About Another Bush In The Presidency

Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush
In an election year where the GOP is looking to take back all the marbles, media speculation has begun to heat up over the question of whether or not to send yet another Bush into the U.S. Presidency. Many media outlets and pundits alike have been taking about how Jeb Bush could be the go-to guy in the 2012 election for the Republicans. An ABC quote from news writer Byron Wolf:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Charlie Rangel Generates Most Obvious Headline This Week

Click to Embiggen
As I was clicking through my Google News page looking for something to talk about, I found this gem of a headline at "Democrats worry Rangel's ethics trial will hurt party in midterm elections". Well I would so considering his supposed non-payment of taxes and so forth. Here's an excerpt from the article:

New Digg is Frakin' Sweet


Just verifying my digg feed.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

10 Myths About The Bush Tax Cuts

I found this interesting research piece on Don't worry, they don't all defend Bush to the last man. I thought that this piece did a good job explaining the reasoning behind the deficit Bush left behind, and the reasoning behind why most people think it was because of the tax cuts that there was a deficit. This piece doesn't defend Bush, but rather shows that it wasn't the tax cuts that left the $247 billion budget deficit, rather spending increases.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

3 Reasons Independence Day Is Still A Great Movie

Welcome To Earth

 I've got a lot to say about why you should bother renting or buying this and making an evening of this movie. Or a morning if you're a fat lazy slob like I know I can be.

I'll just give you three simple reasons to glue yourself to the couch for this.