Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Frustrated; With More things than one

Well, still looking for a job. Many good leads though. I have an appointment with Convergys, a call center. It looks like a good lead for me, but call centers attract a lot people and have a lot of turnover. I'm hoping to get well established with them.

On another front, for any of you who saw Pres Obama's speach last night, it looks to me like he is planning to spend more money..... He claims that this is not the case, but with the creation of more agencies to the government, rising taxes to the so called "rich", losses to DOD contractors and sub-contractors, along with all of the bailouts and a trillion dollar defecit, I only have one question: Where the heck is all this money coming from? Are we going to print it all? That would mean inflation. We gonna barrow it? We're already borrowing. What do we do then?

If I was a financial advisor to a young couple thousands of dollars in debt from credit cards, I would tell them to get rid of those cards, cut their spending where they can, and use any and all excess money from savings and other sources to pay the debt quickly. That would avoid a larger catastrophy for that couple. Why doesn't the government see things that way. Why do we have to spend money that simply doesn't exist? If anyone has any good comments, it's open for discussion.....


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