Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Another Selfish Politician

A citycouncilman in a city here in Utah is trying to put a tax on cyclists who use roads. I know what your thinking: This guy is a nutjob who is just in it for the money, or trying to reduce the number of "anoyances" on the road, or you whole-heartedly agree with him.

I'm of the former opinion; the guy is selfish, greedy, only working for his own interests and not for the interests of his city. First of all, how can you impliment that kind of tax? You tell me. Second, are we gonna tax little kids because they just wanted a bike for their birthday? Besides, it's already in the books that a bycicle is a part of traffic.
The cyclists in the article are right, too. It can lessen the traffic, and make it easier to travel durring rush hour.

So, taxing cyclists; stupid.


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